Real-time Industry Security

We built Laana to better integrate and identify security situations in your industry. With our experience in computer vision and product development, we can improve and integrate with your industry quickly.

Visual AI

We are into the biggest challenges...

Human Flow

As the world becomes more crowded, it's vital to identify and use safety measures that create better security and efficiency.  Learn how you can create safer streets with visual AI, even with existing infrastructure.

Logistics Safety

In transport, poorly secure product can lead to damage, injury, and death.  And none of that is a cost we should need to pay.  Learn how our quick innovation process was used to create object identification on truck transport.

Bank and ATM Security

People trust banks, and it takes just a moment to ruin a banks reputation and even impact the economy of an area.

Learn how Alvidiotech built technology that could notify of threats at ATM machines.  All while using existing infrastructure and no internet.


Second-hand Digitalization

Second-hand industries are a constantly growing industry.  Even when the economy goes sour, second-hand grows.

Digitalizing this industry is extremely challenging.  Many second-hand stores don't even have a website! Let alone, all the thousands of unique product that pass through the store every week.

Learn how we build Kimberlite, a tool to automatically put any thrift store online.


Current Projects